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Consider This

As a teacher in the classroom it is important to be aware of the type of disability your students may have. It is also important to know how this can affect them in and out of the classroom. 


Listen to some different audio clips of how different scenarios may sound to students with a hearing impairment.


Use the QR code or link below to listen.


Interactive Resource

Another great resource for teachers and students to try is one that simulates hearing loss in every day scenarios. 


​For this one you will need headphones to listen, it will guide you through different scenarios that simulate what it is like to live with a hearing impairment.


​Use the QR code or link below to access.​


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Alkhamra, R.A., & Abu-Dahab, S.M.N. (2020). Sensory Processing Disorder in Children with Hearing Impairment: Implications of Multidisciplinary Approach and Early Intervention. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 136(1), 1-9. 


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Bambaeeroo F, Shokrpour N. The impact of the teachers' non-verbal communication on success in teaching. J Adv Med Educ Prof. 2017 Apr;5(2):51-59. 


Browning, G.G., Weir, J., Kelly, G., Swan, R.C. (2018). Chronic Otitis Media. In J. Watkinson & R. Clarke (Eds.), Scott-Brown's Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (pp. 1244-1287). Taylor & Francis Ltd.


Dalton, C.J. (2021). Social-Emotional Challenges Experienced by Students Who Function with Mild and Moderate Hearing Loss in Educational Settings. Exceptionality Education International, 21(1), 28-45. Doi:


Dettman, S., Chia, Y., Budhiraja, S., Graham, L., Sarant, J., Barr, C., & Dowell, R. (2022). Understanding typical support practice for students who are deaf or hard of hearing: Perspectives from teachers of the deaf in Australia. Deafness & Education International24(1), 24–48. 


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Gleason, J.B., & Ratner, N.B. (2022). The Development of Language (10 ed.). Plural Publishing Inc. 


Gaudiot, D.M.S.F, & Martins, L.B. (2019). The Classroom Built Environment as an Inclusive Learning Process for the Deaf Students: Contributions of Ergonomics in Design. In F. Rebelo & M. Soares (eds.), Advances in Ergonomics in Design (pp. 531-540). Springer. 


Fitriani, D., & Prayogo, A. (2020). Addressing Language Development Barriers: A Pedagogical Approach for Young Children With Speech Delay. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 454(5), 81-85. DOI:10.2991/assehr.k.200808.015


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Marschark, M., & Hauser, P.C. (2012). How Deaf Children Learn: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know. Oxford University Press.


Marschark, M., Shaver, D.M., Nagle, K.M., & Newman, L.A. (2018). Predicting the Academic Achievement of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students From Individual, Household, Communication, and Educational Factors. Exceptional Children81(3), 350-369.


Meadow, K.P. (2023). Deafness and Child Development. University of California Press. 


Mousley, V.L., & Chaudoir, S.R. (2018). Deaf Stigma: Links Between Stigma and Well-Being Among Deaf Emerging Adults. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 23(4), 341-350.


Partington, P., Major, G., & Tudor, K. (2024). Deaf Students' Perception of Wellbeing and Social and Emotional Skill Development within School: A Critical Examination of the Literature. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 71(1), 55-68. 


Podury, A., Jiam, N.T., Kim, M., Donnenfield, J.I., & Dhand, A. (2023). Hearing and Sociality: The Implications of Hearing Loss on Social Loss. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 3(17), 56-72. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1245434 


Recalde, J., & Palau, R. (2021). Classroom Lighting and Its Effect on Student Learning and Performance: Towards Smarter Conditions. In O. Mealha, M. Rehm, & T. Rebedea (eds.), Co-Design and Tools Supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education (pp.3-12). Springer. 


Santos, S., & Cordes, S. (2022). Math abilities in deaf and hard of hearing children: The role of language in developing number concepts. Psychological Review, 129(1), 199–211.


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